martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Bon Nadal II

Bon Nadal!
Feliz Navidad!
Happy Xmas!
Joyeux Noel!

Soon will be Xmas holidays and I'll be travelling in the wonderfull Northeast of Brazil, so I'll wish you a lot of hapiness and a happy new year. In fact, since nobody reads my blog, and almost nobody leaves a message, i don't really care! journey now will lead me to the following places:

-Pernambuco: Recife, Olinda, Porto de Galinhas...
-Bahia: Salvador, Morro de Sao Paulo, Porto Seguro
-Minas Gerais: Ouro Preto
-Rio de Janeiro

I hope I'll see everything but I'm not sure about some spots, maybe I won't have time...but I hope at least to relax in the beach. Weather in SP is not as good as one could think it must be in summer (rain, cold, wind, etc...), bad weather in general.

Well...see you soon!

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Beheaded Giant II

Hello again, it has been a long time since the last time I wrote something. So it's time for a new post. About the last news...I have been to Floripa a week ago. It was raining, as almost everyday here. Anyway, I decided to go to the beach, to see one of the Floripa main atractions. After a long bus route, we arrived to Lagoa's Station. This station is located near the lake , and it has a very animated nightlife. The lake is divided in two by a small road that is easily jammed making cars go slowly. From Lagoa's terminal I took a second bus to go the Barra da Lagoa beach, but finally I decided to go to Praia Mole, following some colleague's advices. Praia Mole is a beach for young surfers and contrary to what I have been told, it wasn't crowded at all. I thought it was because of the weather, that made baywatchers put the red flag prohibiting to take bath and provoqued big waves threatening to cover all the shoreline. Indifferent to the black clouds that were announcing a storm, I decided to walk in the sand, where sea and land meets. I was walking there, feeling the fresh humidity of the beach, when I saw in the distance a lot of stones that looked like if they were eroded by the sea waves. It seemed to me that those stones were throwed there by some forces of the nature long time ago. Regardless of the risk I decided to aproach to the stones to watch them better. As I was approaching I realized that the stones may have a form, a shape. The whole set of stones looked like a giand body that had been dismembered and petrified. I started to feel unconfortable and my mind started to play me some tricks, trying to imagine what could happened there and weaving a fantasy. If I founded the body there must be the head somewhere. I started to climb the rocks, with a mixed feeling of fear, curiosity and precaution, I didn't forget that a storm could appear anytime. Surrounding the dismembered body I made my way to the top of the rock and I had a shiver. I found the head of the titan. In front of me was the hideous head , dreaming with what we'll never know. Who knows if he was waiting a moment in the future to wake up. All those thoughts passed in my mind really fast while paralysed I observed the scene. Before turning around, I swear I heard a moan and from the corner of my eye I saw the head frowning. I started to descend the rock and while I was coming back I was telling myself that it was the sound of the sea against the rocks...or not?

Beheaded Giant

Hola de nou. Ja feia temps que no escrivia res, per tant, ja tocaba apuntar alguna coseta. De entre les novetats que han pasat fa poc, podria destacar el viatge a Florianopolis per segona vegada fa unes setmanes. Vaig tindre mal temps, com esta passant ultimament en cada viatge que tinc per aci. Pero fins i tot aixi, vaig decidir de anar a la platja, vore la mar, una de les atraccions (si no la unica...) de Florianopolis.
Després del llarg trajecte en autobus, arribi a l'estacio de la Lagoa. Esta estacio es troba prop del llac (lagoa en portugués) i es on es troba una part animada de la ciutat. El llac interior de l'illa de Santa Catarina, dividit en dos per una carretereta estreta, que es colapsa facilment ralentitzant el tràfic. De l'estacio de la Lagoa, agafi el segon autobus amb la intencio de anar fins a la "Barra da Lagoa", pero alguns consells de companys m'havien senyalat la "Praia Mole" (platja molla) com la platja a visitar.
Platja de surfistes i de gent jove, contrariament al que m'havien contat no estava tan plena. Segurament a causa del mal oratge, que havia fet traure les banderes rojes dels socorristes i provocaba grans onades que amenaçaben amb cubrir de aigua l'arena.
Indiferent als nuvols grisos que anunciaben una tempesta, jo vaig decidir acostarme a la linea de la mar, allà on l'aigua i la terra es junten. Caminava per l'arena sentint la fresca humitat de la platja, quan vaig divisar en la distancia un monto de pedres, ja redones per l'erosio de la mar. Pareixien haver sigut tirades alli per forces de la natura en temps pretèrits.
Vaig decidir acostarme per a vore com es vorien de prop.
A mesura que anava apropantme les pedres pareixien tindre alguna forma. Ja no pareixien tan indefinides com m'havien semblat en un inici, sino que tenien formes obscenes com si foren les peces d'un gran cos, que havia sigut petrificat i desquartizat. Una gran inquietud s'empara de mi, i la meua ment em jugà una mala pasada al intentar imaginar quins fenomens de la natura s'havien pogut produir alli.
Si hi havien les parts del cos, em pregunti, deu de trobarse el equivalent al que seria el cap. Amb una mescla de curiositat, temor i extrema precaucio vaig anar escalant les pedres. No hi ha que oblidar que la tempesta podria caure en qualsevol instant. Rodejant aquells cosos de pedra desquartizats, vaig enfilarme a la pedra més alta, i una tremolor em recorregué el cos de dalt a baix. Havia trobat el cap d'aquell tità. Alli es trobava aquell cap monstruos, somniant amb allo que mai podrem saber, qui sap si esperant algun moment per a despertar. Tot allo em pasa per la ment rapidament, mentre observaba clavat en el lloc aquella imatge. Avans de donarme la volta i començar a descendre, juraria que vaig sentir un gemec, i per el costat de l'ull vaig vore com si frunzira el seny.
Mentre baixava i tornava cap a la costa em deia que tot seria producte de les ones colpejant les pedres, o no?

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009


I de repent es feren les tenebres, i la ciutat es quedà engolida per la foscor.
No hi havia més llum fora de la dels ultims coxes que tornaven a casa, ni electricitat, aliada de la humanitat desde temps pasats. Aquelles coses que pensem que son tan normals, que fem inconcientment cada dia, no ho foren més.
Les tenebres ens despertaren a una altra realitat, només viscuda probablement per la generacio dels pares dels nostres pares. D'un sol cop ens vegerem separats del mòn, de la realitat que coneguem i vivim cada dia.
S'acabaren aquelles comoditats modernes com els banys amb aigua calenta, no més cuina a electricitat, i per supost forem desterrats del mon digital sense haver tingut temps a despedir-nos.

Tot tornà a un estat primitiu, sense llum, sense llei...
Durant el breu instant que duraven els generadors auxiliars, la gent anava quedantse aterrida, que farien si els generadors s'acababen i l'energia no tornava?
Els metros pararen en mig del seu recorregut per a que la gent caminara per les vies fins trobar la estacio més pròxima. Només els coxes i els estels...estels a terra i estels al cel.
Confusio als carrers i dins de les cases, tot va pasar tan rapidament que ningu sabia les causes del fenòmen. Les primeres noticies aplegaven confuses, el apago s'estenia fora del barri, després fora de la regio, fora de la ciutat, del estat i fins i tot del pais!
Aquestes noticies tranquilitzaben a la gent al saber que no estaben sols en la seua desgracia. Les families es reunien en el salo per a mantindre's en contacte i per saber que estaben acompanyats. A mesura que el temps pasava els anims es tranquilitzaven, i la calma anava tornant fins que cadascu anà a gitarse.

Al final la llum tornà durant la nit de la mateixa manera que se n'havia anat, sense avis previ. Pero ja tot el mon havia dormit tranquil i ja no es preocupava més.
Tot el mon excepte jo, perque per un breu instant, unes hores tal volta, l'obscuritat havia tornat a caminar per la terra per reclamar el seu antic imperi que les llums dels homens li havien pres.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

Balada del mariner...

Hola gent...ultimament he viatjat prou, en breu publicaré les meues impresions de Buenos Aires (comença per B!) pero hui voldria parlar sobre la meua vida per aci en SP, en Sampah com diuen alguns. Pero res a vore amb el sympa francés...encara que es pronuncien igual.
De fet, Sao Paulo no és gens sympa, sino al contrari, una ciutat on és dur de viure. A part del oratge del qual ja he parlat alguna volta, per cert esta semana per fi ha fet bon temps desde agost, pero pareix que era temporal ja que anit va ploure i tronar.
Es una ciutat tan gran que es molt dificil menejar-se en ella, i que no m'ha fet sentirme en casa en ningun moment. Els transports publics no estan a la altura de una ciutat amb tants habitants i que presumix de ser la primera del Brasil. Trobe que el transport es car per al servici que fan, i les comoditats que ofereixen...sempre plé de viatgers. El problema es que el transit es molt pessat, i fa quasi impossible transitar per els carrers en hores puntes. Que en alguns barris es practicament qualsevol hora. Eixe trafic impedeix als autobusos arribar a temps i tindre unes bones frequencies, que al seu temps fa que les coles per a pujar al autobus siguen increiblement llargues i es vaja tan apretat. La seguent comparacio no està feta sense pensar...moltes voltes em mossegue la llengua per a no parlar mal de res, pero en Sao Paulo el transport public funciona cada dia com à Paris un dia de folga. He visgut la grève del 2007 i sé del que parle. I aço es tots els dies un patir. Un exemple, l'altre dia vaig estar esperant en una estacio una hora i mitja (90 min!) avans de poder pujar a un tren que estigues minimament lliure. On es poguera respirar. No ho vaig conseguir i vaig pujar a un, apretantme com si fora um animal en un camio de animals.
Sé que la ciutat de Sao Paulo està millorant les seues infraestructures per a els events que s'aproximent (copa del mon, olimpiades...), pero em pareix de un cinisme el tracte que donen els paulistes als carioques, quan ells mateixos no se'n adonen de que viuen en una ciutat mal estructurada, que no pot continuar presumint de ser la capital economica del Brasil i tinguent unes carencies estructurals tan evidents.
Cada volta que viatge a alguna altra ciutat aci en Brasil (o en Sudamerica), veig que malgrat no arribar a un nivell europeu, els transports publics no estan tan mal. Pero amb el volum de viatgers que té Sao Paulo, deurien de millorar tot aixo.
Fins al pròxim post!

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

Bored in SP...

Well, I'm really SP I do really nothing. So I'll tell you about my trips.
Last interesting thing I did, I went to Florianopolis (see pictures). A nice city in the south, in the state of Santa Catarina. And as you can see, half of the city is in a island while the other half is in the continental part. It's said that's the most european city of Brasil (as Curitiba), and Santa Catarina is the state with the highest IDH (except Brasilia DF) in Brazil.
The city is really small, at least the interesting things in city, but the beaches are far from downtown, so you have to go by bus. And it's not easy to know which bus to take!
I went to the Morro da Cruz, were I took the picture above. A friend of mine, showed me the city and guided me, so I was always in good hands!

I was shoked to see how "florianenses" are frightened. I was walking at 8H30 PM (more or less) when I realized I took the wrong way. I was near the shore line, just the opposite way. So I asked to one woman who was passing there, and she looked at me and said:
-How can you walk in the street alone! it's really late!...let me walk with you!

I said to her where I'm living in SP, so she could be relieved...but no way! I was feeling really safe in Florianopolis, but never know!

Coming back to our review, there's also a very nice place to discover...the "Lagoa da Conceiçao", located in the center of the island. It's a huge lagoon, in wich it's possible to practise some sea sports (Kite surf for instance...). There's also a lot of interesting bars and shops there, Floripa's nightlife is there...

Well, I could explain you more details about my trip if you ask me...see you!

Good night and good luck!

PS: Next travel will be Buenos Aires, in Argentina...let's dance some Tango!

UPDATE: it was my dear friend Claudia who guided me through the city, thanks querida!!

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009

Brazil vs España!

Parabens Rio!
Congratulations Rio!
I'm a little bit sad, but also happy because after Madrid'2016, Rio was my favourite city.
Everybody who knows me, also knows that I hate Madrid, but as Spanish, I think Madrid 2016 could be a good thing. Of course there's always the corruption, and the false politicians. As a Valencian I know a lot about it. But unlike the America's Cup and the F1, olympic games have an ideal of peace, of superation behind them. And they are far more interesting, since there are a lot of different sports, that the 2 other minor competition (minor in the interest they stir me). So in my humble opinion, it's far better for a city to hold the Olympic games rather than other competition motivated only for money.

The fact that surprised me is that in Brazil, as in Spain, there are big rivalities between the cities. And the small interest they had in the olympic designation. I thought it was only Spain's speciality to hate another city, wanting it not to hold the competition. But in Sao Paulo, I found people that were not happy with that new. Some of the opinions they told me were:

-It will cost a great amount of money that we have to pay!
-Politics will take all of the money!
-Athletes will be assaulted!
and so on...

In fact, all of them are the typical "paulista" stereotypes against the city of Rio or the politics. Such a beautiful city as Rio, will be cleaned, and rebuild to hold the games. So I think athletes will have nothing to fear. Paulistas exagerate the dangers of Rio, even if it's still not a 100% safe city. Of course the BOPE will have some work to clean the city!

About the politics...what can I say? I'm valencian, so maybe spanish people will understand. I know that in every great event the rats take part of the cheese. But if it haven't been in Rio, the rats of Madrid had taken I prefer corruption out os Spain! Better in Rio heheheheheheh.

As a curiosity, the mayor of Rio is a spanish descendant...of Madrid! so it was quite curious for him to fight against the city of his grandfathers!

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

Bilbo Sur

Hellow de nou a tots!
Ja fa temps que no escric res, no? Pues mira...m'ha pegat la venà i vaig a escriure algunes cosetes hui. Per a posarvos al dia, o paso aixi apareix com a que he publicat algo en setembre.
El primer de tot, es felicitar a Eukeni (de ahi el titol del post) i desitjarli una rapida recuperacio. Anim figura que tu pots! Aupa!

En Sao Paulo no para de ploure desde ja fa dos mesos. I tinc els "mismisimos" ja agres...aixo de que un temps no sapiga posarse d'acord i no s'aclarixca es mal per a la salut, la paciencia i la buxaca. L'aborriment em fa comprarme llibres i cosetes. També han pasat varies coses que m'han unflat els nasos. Als que es queixen que si en Paris aço si en Paris allo...pegueu a fugir de Paris entonces!!!!, aci si que em costa accedir a coses basiques per culpa de papers que sempre falten o histories aixi. Pero en la defensa s'ha de dir que encara que la burocrazya siga dura, la gent es amable i enten els casos i fan que no siguen tan rigids. Pero a voltes no...i en una d'eixes m'han pillat. Ja no puc anar al gym que anava avans, que era dels millors de Sao Paulo, i un bonissim i no ixia tan car. He trobat per fi un que no es gens car...pero vorem si puc apuntarme.

També tinc la intencio de, quan no tinga res interesant a publicar, postejar alguns articuls o jocs matematics, ja que m'estic aficionant a algunes branques de la informatica de nou.

Bueno queridoes, vos deixe i volta al tall!

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

Brazilian travels

Hey! Hi again!
I've been travelling in Brazil with my parents. We have been in the "Cidade Maravilhosa", the wonderful city of Rio de Janeiro. Also in São Paulo, the city who never stops, and in Foz do Iguaçu, the 3 borders town.

Sorry for posting this so late...but i've been bussy. I'll explain some things later.

Sometimes it's better not to say anything...

sábado, 25 de julio de 2009

Brazilian things (I)

Being valencian, man and living in Brazil, I'd like to write something that happens to me very often. So let's imagine the scene:
Country: Brazil
Location: Bar or a disco
Situation: Male of human species in risk of starvation spots several good looking females of the same specie.

Situation I:
(Quite humiliating for me)

Ignasi: How are you?!
Female: Hi! Fine and you?
Ignasi: Fine too...nice bar isn't it?
Female: Where do you come from?
Ignasi: From Valencia...Spain
Female: Ah...
Ignasi: ...
Female: ...

Situation II:
After learning some few tricks...

Ignasi: How are you?!
Female: Hi! Fine and you?
Ignasi: Fine too...nice bar isn't it?
Female: Where do you come from?
Ignasi: From Barcelona...Spain
Female: Really??? Nice city, I've been there once...bla bla bla...

Nevermind...we still have the Formula I, America's Cup and the Pope's visit...

In the picture you could see the typical can-shaped bus stops of Curitiba, Paranà (Brazil).

martes, 7 de julio de 2009


Els valencians son persones "muelles", ja ho deia Sant Vicent. Mira que en aquella epoca no hi havia ni comunicacio inalambrica ni tecnologia. I el miracle que se li ha atribuit a Sant Vicent ha sigut el de ser comprés en qualsevol part del mon. Del mon d'aquella epoca clar... De fet està enterrat en la Bretagne. A Vannes més concretament.

Bo, el cas es que en aquella epoca, poca diferencia es feia entre valencià, català, provençal, occità, pernil i formatge. Ara, per molt que s'estiga assetjat per la justicia, per molt que hi hajen proves (sempre segons el que llegim a la prensa...), sempre podran treure ixe fantasma per tal d'apartar de l'actualitat els escandols que tenen. El 'I tu més!' està implantat a la politica, com si ja no foren els pares de la pàtria, sino els fills d'ella, els xiquets...Mereixem els valencians ixa 'troupe' de circo? ixe espectacul que ens ha convertit en la risa de Espanya?...

La meua resposta es si.

Només hi ha que vore en qualsevol lloc on es deixe opinar, que sempre hi haurà algu que els defendrà. I per que? no ho se. Perque si una cosa tinc clar, es que per damunt de les opinions politiques, jo tinc valors. Valors humans com a persona, que la meua familia i la meua vivencia me han ensenyat. Els meus valors m'impedirien votar a una persona que esta siguent investigada per malversar, furtar i fer el idiota com, en definitiva, estan fent els 'borinots' que dirigixen el circo de Valencia. En el fondo es tracta de fer circo, si ens falta el pà, doble racio de circo.

El poble valencià te dos opcions ara davant d'ell. Una d'elles seria despertar com a poble, donar un cop damunt la taula i dir, fins aci hem arribat. Apartar del poder a tots aquells que estan només 'por la pasta' i sense aportar solucions definitives, només porten circ mediatic i demés cosetes que alegren al 'vulgo vulgaris' (poble vulgar) pero que no milloren realment la qualitat de vida dels valencians. No voldria arribar al punt de dir que els han de penjar a tots!, pero estan mereixense pasar una temporà entre reixes, per el seu despreci al poble valencià, a la historia i a la llengua de un poble que ja fa temps que ha perdut el orgull.

L'altra opcio, la que jo he pres, seria emigrar...
Images de Tiradentes, Brasil. Cinturo de castitat, i mascara de ferro, utilitzats contra els esclaus.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Beast number! and other 'parides'

Hey people...i wanted to write something, nevermind the subject. So when i saw that i have 666 visits i thought of Iron Maiden and the song "Number of the Beast", and i decided to publish it.
For those who want to have some news about my situation, i have to say that i found an appartment. In fact i'll be living with a friend's family. Really good people. I'm more than grateful to them for this chance they gave me. Literally they rescued me from a life in the street. Besides it, it's not really far from work (in paulistan terms...). And some of my colleagues live not far from there, so they could drive until the station near home.
Well, what else could i say?...if someone wants to told me anything, you could use the forum and write a comment, or sent me an email. I'll be delighted to answer you.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

Bosta = Merda

Este es el primer post que escric que no comença per 'B'. Perquè? Per que me dona la fet no sé ni si algu va a llegir més este blog. Ja fa molt de temps que no escrivia res. Ara senzillament tinc ganes de escriure, pero ja no més de viatges sino de tot un poc. I voldria començar per comentar una pregunta/observacio que tot el mon em fa. Voldria explicar la meua postura, i si tinc sort i algu ho llig pues mira, ja em puc considerar afortunat.
Ja fa temps que estic aci en Brasil, i tot el mon es pensa que aci baixes del avio i ja has triunfat. Este es un pais com qualsevol altre. Si triunfes fora, pues ja sabràs espavilarte i buscarte les faves en qualsevol lloc, si no pues res, en España, Brasil i la China. Estic segur que el Serra te de haver triunfat més que jo alli en la China.
Entonces podeu imaginar la cara que pose, i les barbaritats que tinc de contestar quan em fan la tipica observacio de: Hey alli en Brasil ja tens de haver f**** molt, no?...
Pues alli ni en França ni en España, aixi que als graciocets que fan eixa pregunta...pues jo vos dic: Ocupeuvos vosaltres de intentar clavarla per ahi i després pregunteu!
Ale bona nit!...ja continuaré escrivint altre dia.

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009

Back to old times...

This post is dedicated to Binha, a very good friend of mine:

Hey, you asked me to write a post about my adolescence...well here is:

When I was younger I wanted to be a rockstar. Playing cello was not my dream, and not my favourite instrument. But I learned some music theory. I used to hang out with some friends at school, and some day we decided to start a band. I quited playing cello, and started to took some bass clases. Obviously it didn't work, but it was quite interesting, and it kept us dreaming. After some months, I started University and I never heard again of those old friends. Nevermind.
I continued playing bass during my studies but never too seriously, until one day I started another band with some other friends. This one was better, because we really tried to play some pieces, and we were a bit better.
Diving in internet I found my old band website. If someone asks me for the address I'll give, but i'm not posting it here, because I don't know if the other members are alright with this...(some pictures are really old!)

Well, after some years, I decided to start my adventure abroad, so I went to Brest to finish my studies. Then to Paris, and there, I had the pleasure of start a new band with some good friends. I think this band was my most complete experience as a rock amateur. We were really good friends and we played well. I still have some records we made, but as I said before, I'm not posting them because I don't have any permission from the others.

Last summer (european summer) we quitted the band, because everyone one of us took a different way. Now i'm in Brazil...will I start another band?

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Bon profit!

Bon dia everybody!
This is the "Fakejoada". It's an hommage to the brazilian Feijoada, but since I didn't knew how to prepare it, I managed to cook something that has nothing to do with the original...nevermind, it was delicious anyway (i hope). I put a big amount of love to do it. If someone of you wants to imitate me, I recommend you to read the recipe first, and then decide if you want to cook some n'importe quoi or a real feijoada. I'll give you the ingredients i used:
-Feijao preto: Black beans, i used a glass full of beans per person.
-1/2 kg of grounded meat
-1 onion
-1 green pepper (optional)
-A lot of love

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009


Hello again!
Every friday I saw the same message on my cell phone. The first time i saw it, it was quite funny because i didn't realized what it meaned. But soon I understood. It's not that my phone reminds me to have sex on the March 6, but that march 6 is friday, SEXta feira in portuguese!
Making a post only to say that seems very stupid, but while you're reading this, I have another reader on my account...hehehehehe
Have a nice weekend!

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

Back to life!

After some weeks of silence, today your favourite (or not...) blog comes back to your lifes. As most of you know, I'm in the best country of the world, and for sure is not The Vatican, I mean Brazil!
Since I arrived, i had no time to write anything because I have been trying to discover this huge megalopolis. You can find more information about this city here.

I met some really interesting people here who showed me the city, and some good spots there. One of my favourite thing about brazilians, is the food. You can eat whatever you can...i mean whathever you want.
In next posts I'll tell you some interesting things about Brazil, and of course about my adventures and travels there. So see you!

jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

Best bar in the world?

I must talk about this. Our beloved bar, chez Georges, in Mabillon has been selected as one of the best bars in the world...Is it true? Maybe...I enjoyed a lot going there since one wednesday (Holy Wednesday might be called) Fran and I discovered it. We met a lot of sympa people all nights we went there, like Chuy (technically we met him in another bar).
So this is the small tribute I pay to one of my favourites spots of Paris. Parisians, go there! This friday I'm going...anyone's coming with us?
See you!

Dec de parlar de açò. El nostre benvolgut bar, Chez Georges en Mabillon ha sigut seleccionat com un dels millors bars del veritat? Pot ho he pasat da pell anant ahi desde que un dimecres (Deuria de ser nombrat dimecres sant) Fran i jo el descobrirem. Hem conegut a un monto de gent simpatica e interesant quan hem anat, com Chuy (bo tecnicament el coneguerem en un altre bar).
Este es el xicotet tribute que faig a un dels millors llocs que conec de Paris. Parisins aneu alli!Este divendrés aniré...algu s'apunta amb nosaltres!
Ens vegem!

martes, 27 de enero de 2009


Hello people!
A hundred of my readers (with a pourcentage of 99% of error) , asked me to tell my misadventures of this weekend. So here I am...
I arrived wednesday morning to work for my society's subsidiary in Spain, as I did in november and december. During the flight I tried to take a picture of Nice, with the Alps at the end. As you can see, Iberia doesn't cleans a lot their windows, but you can get the idea of what I told you.
I arrived, and then back to work. I was sent to solve some serious problem, so I had no time to rest. Anyway, I'm not going to talk about my work.

Wednesday and thursday's night, I went to my cousin's appartment like in good old times, to see old friends. And friday I went to Valencia with my bass, and amplifier (I did it!!!! for free!!!!). I spent friday's night and saturday morning with my parents. At 18h in the evening I took the train to Barcelona...and then the adventure begun.
In fact, when I got on the train I knew that a strong wind was blowing in Tarragona (South of Catalonia), and a lot of accidents were happening in Spain due to the wind (the airport of Barcelona was closed). But in RENFE they did not tell me anything. So I was happy because I thought I could be in Barcelona for dinner. But after an hour of journey, the train stopped misteriously, and they told us that in some minutes we were going to be translated by bus to Tarragona, and from there we could take the train again.
We were waiting for an hour in the middle of nowhere, for some buses to take us to Barcelona, or Tarragona. Finally, they invited us to some drinks because people was becoming angry. And the train moved...only one station, to change to the buses. And we were surprised when they told us that we were going to Barcelona also by bus (3 hours more!!!!).
What I reprouch to RENFE, is not the lack of solutions, because they find a solution, it's the lack of organisation and of comunication. They didn't tell anything, until we were there, and people was becoming really angry. They treated us as a group of children.
For example, they hired two buses. A big one and a smaller one. Most of the people was going to Barcelona. So one of the buses was going directly to Barcelona, and the other was going to Tarragona first. Instead of putting all people going to Barcelona in the big bus, they let people go without control in whatever bus they liked. So the bigger one was stopping at Tarragona, to leave there a few passengers, and the smallest was going directly...
I arrived at 0h30 at the hotel...quite tired, without eating.
I forgot to tell I had no credit, and my phone ran out of battery...

martes, 20 de enero de 2009

Back to Paris...(I, II or III?)

Since 2009, I've been doing a cosinus fonction...just like in the picture. You have the right to think I'm bored.
As you can see, I feel like a pendulum, or like a mathematical entity. But since I was in Paris for NYE, every weekend I traveled to Paris and Barcelone. Last weekend I came back to Paris, for my 3rd time since I said I leave Paris for a year, to see old friends, and to pick up my Bass and my amplifier. I decided to go personally because i didn't find any company that was able to carry my bass to Spain. They said they don't carry personal objects...(my instrument is a very personal object hehehehe). So when my entreprise told me that maybe i should go to Barcelona again to solve some problems, voila...It was my opportunity to carry my bass home.
I bought a ticket to Paris in the IDNight Train, because it was cheaper than the normal bed train, and of course than a flight.

What's IDNight? It's a disco train.
In fact, the restaurant car in the TGV, was almost the same but this time the music volume was louder. And there were also some typical disco lights. It could be a nice trip, only if I hadn't be alone. Yes, nobody was there, except for the barman. She told me that in the first hours the train is empty, but after Marseille (last stop before Paris) people come to drink and to dance, like in a normal club. And another interesting thing it was the Lounge Car. Where you could play Poker and One (Uno) and other card games. Anyway, I was tired so I tried to sleep in my seat. Fortunately, there were almost nobody in the train, so I could use two seats.
When I arrived (7h), my beloved ex-roomate was sleeping, because he arrived late at night. So I was trying to call him, but i went out of battery, and I had to go to a McDonalds to charge it.
Rest of the weekend was good, and I saw old friends.
Sunday when I took the train, there was another surprise...If friday I had the disco train, sunday I had the Live Train. A concert in the bar car.
When they're not in strike, sncf has good plans...
(And tomorrow...Barcelona!)

jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

Back to Barcelona...(III?)

Hello everybody!
El ultimo fin de semana bajé a Barcelona para ver a la gente que conozco por ahi. No vi a todos los que quise por falta de tiempo y/o otras razones, lo siento no tuve tanto tiempo...
De todos modos, pude despedirme de algunos, aunque por enésima vez. Claro que, segun palabras de algun amigo, llevo despidiendome desde Octubre, y aun estoy por aqui...
El fin de semana tambien me sirvio para cambiar de aires un poco, porque en Niza, aunque estoy muy bien, vivo en mitad de la montaña con pocas actividades para hacer entre semana. El finde fue bastante completo, con concierto de Drum&Bass incluido. Aunque no es mi musica preferida, nos lo pasamos bien. Tambien me gustaria señalar, el chocolate con xurros al que nos invitaron los tios de mis primos, (moltissimes gràcies, els xurros estaven deliciosos!)...
Un ultimo apunte. Desde el avion que hace el trayecto Niza Barcelona (o a la inversa, depende de la ventanilla), se tienen unas vistas del Mediterraneo preciosas. Sobrevolando el golfo, y la entrada a Niza, con los Alpes nevados al fondo...
Precioso (aunque no hice fotos...)
El tiempo fue mejorando a medida que pasaba el fin de semana

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Bad weather

This post had to be published last week...but due to some conection problems (a conexão foi cancelada, cara!), so try to imagine that you read it last week...
I would like to talk you about weather, and how nice is being in Nice (again my 2 balles joke...year of the crise). Last week it snowed not far from here, and since from this hotel i can see the Alps, the view was quite beautiful, just look at the pictures. All mountains in Heidi's cartoon.

All region (PACA) was in orange alert some days. I thought an Orange alert was a strange name for an alert. It sounded me like if Valencians were coming:
-Orange Alert! Valencians are coming!
-Protect the children and women! especially women!
But seriously, an orange alert is only one step from red alert, in wich roads are closed to circulation. So there's no fun in an orange alert. In fact if you're all mornings waiting outsides for the bus to come, and it's cold like hell and rains and the bus don't pass, you will have a fever! fun at all

The fever I got it was not only due to the fact when I was in Paris I got vaccinated against yellow fever, but this vaccin is so strong that almost half of the people get a fever (not yellow!)...or something worse. I spent all week with Paracetamol, and luckily the ciatic nerve pain did not arrive so I could survive.
I'll talk about my weekend in Barcelone in the next post, and I hope to know when i'll be in Brazil...
See you!

domingo, 4 de enero de 2009

Back to Paris: Bonne année 2009!

Back to spend some days and the new year's eve. The welcoming couldn't be worse...a polar cold. Even the water in the street was frozen, look at the picture I took near Invalides. I felt like a son who's coming late at home, and his father slaps him while telling:
-I'm Paris, my son, you must never forget it. Even if you knew those warm ladies (Nice and Barcelona), you know deep inside where you belong!
Anyway, I managed to get used to the parisian winter again and I enjoyed being there with the old friends and some news ones.

We dinned at Emilio's place. We ate some spanish specialities and some delicatessen of our own (like the cider macedonia...we repeated the day after). And then we wanted to go to the 'Champs de Mars' to perform the spanish tradition of eating the grapes at the rhythm of the twelve rings of the bells. But we were trapped in the subway, and we passed from the year 2008 to the year 2009 running from the metro station until the esplanade. It was funny anyway.

I know that all my pics are blurry, but it's because my camera was bad configurated and we forgot to put the flash. After the grape ceremony we went to the Point Ephemere. It was nice as a club, and we enjoyed there...even if we were really tired.
Well, I'm going to miss Paris again, I'm sure. Now I'm going to spend some days in Nice before leaving France definitely, for a year, and going to South America.
So, hasta luego!