Every friday I saw the same message on my cell phone. The first time i saw it, it was quite funny because i didn't realized what it meaned. But soon I understood. It's not that my phone reminds me to have sex on the March 6, but that march 6 is friday, SEXta feira in portuguese!
Making a post only to say that seems very stupid, but while you're reading this, I have another reader on my account...hehehehehe
Have a nice weekend!
2 comentarios:
as you said, a simple post, nothing to tell???
Ai, què lluny que estàs! I això que els últims mesos t'he vist més que pot ser en 20 anys!
Molt graciós, per contra, a mi m'ha fet molta gràcia.
Ens veiem ací o allà...
Un besot!
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