jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

Best bar in the world?

I must talk about this. Our beloved bar, chez Georges, in Mabillon has been selected as one of the best bars in the world...Is it true? Maybe...I enjoyed a lot going there since one wednesday (Holy Wednesday might be called) Fran and I discovered it. We met a lot of sympa people all nights we went there, like Chuy (technically we met him in another bar).
So this is the small tribute I pay to one of my favourites spots of Paris. Parisians, go there! This friday I'm going...anyone's coming with us?
See you!

Dec de parlar de açò. El nostre benvolgut bar, Chez Georges en Mabillon ha sigut seleccionat com un dels millors bars del mon...es veritat? Pot ser...me ho he pasat da pell anant ahi desde que un dimecres (Deuria de ser nombrat dimecres sant) Fran i jo el descobrirem. Hem conegut a un monto de gent simpatica e interesant quan hem anat, com Chuy (bo tecnicament el coneguerem en un altre bar).
Este es el xicotet tribute que faig a un dels millors llocs que conec de Paris. Parisins aneu alli!Este divendrés aniré...algu s'apunta amb nosaltres!
Ens vegem!

martes, 27 de enero de 2009


Hello people!
A hundred of my readers (with a pourcentage of 99% of error) , asked me to tell my misadventures of this weekend. So here I am...
I arrived wednesday morning to work for my society's subsidiary in Spain, as I did in november and december. During the flight I tried to take a picture of Nice, with the Alps at the end. As you can see, Iberia doesn't cleans a lot their windows, but you can get the idea of what I told you.
I arrived, and then back to work. I was sent to solve some serious problem, so I had no time to rest. Anyway, I'm not going to talk about my work.

Wednesday and thursday's night, I went to my cousin's appartment like in good old times, to see old friends. And friday I went to Valencia with my bass, and amplifier (I did it!!!! for free!!!!). I spent friday's night and saturday morning with my parents. At 18h in the evening I took the train to Barcelona...and then the adventure begun.
In fact, when I got on the train I knew that a strong wind was blowing in Tarragona (South of Catalonia), and a lot of accidents were happening in Spain due to the wind (the airport of Barcelona was closed). But in RENFE they did not tell me anything. So I was happy because I thought I could be in Barcelona for dinner. But after an hour of journey, the train stopped misteriously, and they told us that in some minutes we were going to be translated by bus to Tarragona, and from there we could take the train again.
We were waiting for an hour in the middle of nowhere, for some buses to take us to Barcelona, or Tarragona. Finally, they invited us to some drinks because people was becoming angry. And the train moved...only one station, to change to the buses. And we were surprised when they told us that we were going to Barcelona also by bus (3 hours more!!!!).
What I reprouch to RENFE, is not the lack of solutions, because they find a solution, it's the lack of organisation and of comunication. They didn't tell anything, until we were there, and people was becoming really angry. They treated us as a group of children.
For example, they hired two buses. A big one and a smaller one. Most of the people was going to Barcelona. So one of the buses was going directly to Barcelona, and the other was going to Tarragona first. Instead of putting all people going to Barcelona in the big bus, they let people go without control in whatever bus they liked. So the bigger one was stopping at Tarragona, to leave there a few passengers, and the smallest was going directly...
I arrived at 0h30 at the hotel...quite tired, without eating.
I forgot to tell I had no credit, and my phone ran out of battery...

martes, 20 de enero de 2009

Back to Paris...(I, II or III?)

Since 2009, I've been doing a cosinus fonction...just like in the picture. You have the right to think I'm bored.
As you can see, I feel like a pendulum, or like a mathematical entity. But since I was in Paris for NYE, every weekend I traveled to Paris and Barcelone. Last weekend I came back to Paris, for my 3rd time since I said I leave Paris for a year, to see old friends, and to pick up my Bass and my amplifier. I decided to go personally because i didn't find any company that was able to carry my bass to Spain. They said they don't carry personal objects...(my instrument is a very personal object hehehehe). So when my entreprise told me that maybe i should go to Barcelona again to solve some problems, voila...It was my opportunity to carry my bass home.
I bought a ticket to Paris in the IDNight Train, because it was cheaper than the normal bed train, and of course than a flight.

What's IDNight? It's a disco train.
In fact, the restaurant car in the TGV, was almost the same but this time the music volume was louder. And there were also some typical disco lights. It could be a nice trip, only if I hadn't be alone. Yes, nobody was there, except for the barman. She told me that in the first hours the train is empty, but after Marseille (last stop before Paris) people come to drink and to dance, like in a normal club. And another interesting thing it was the Lounge Car. Where you could play Poker and One (Uno) and other card games. Anyway, I was tired so I tried to sleep in my seat. Fortunately, there were almost nobody in the train, so I could use two seats.
When I arrived (7h), my beloved ex-roomate was sleeping, because he arrived late at night. So I was trying to call him, but i went out of battery, and I had to go to a McDonalds to charge it.
Rest of the weekend was good, and I saw old friends.
Sunday when I took the train, there was another surprise...If friday I had the disco train, sunday I had the Live Train. A concert in the bar car.
When they're not in strike, sncf has good plans...
(And tomorrow...Barcelona!)

jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

Back to Barcelona...(III?)

Hello everybody!
El ultimo fin de semana bajé a Barcelona para ver a la gente que conozco por ahi. No vi a todos los que quise por falta de tiempo y/o otras razones, lo siento no tuve tanto tiempo...
De todos modos, pude despedirme de algunos, aunque por enésima vez. Claro que, segun palabras de algun amigo, llevo despidiendome desde Octubre, y aun estoy por aqui...
El fin de semana tambien me sirvio para cambiar de aires un poco, porque en Niza, aunque estoy muy bien, vivo en mitad de la montaña con pocas actividades para hacer entre semana. El finde fue bastante completo, con concierto de Drum&Bass incluido. Aunque no es mi musica preferida, nos lo pasamos bien. Tambien me gustaria señalar, el chocolate con xurros al que nos invitaron los tios de mis primos, (moltissimes gràcies, els xurros estaven deliciosos!)...
Un ultimo apunte. Desde el avion que hace el trayecto Niza Barcelona (o a la inversa, depende de la ventanilla), se tienen unas vistas del Mediterraneo preciosas. Sobrevolando el golfo, y la entrada a Niza, con los Alpes nevados al fondo...
Precioso (aunque no hice fotos...)
El tiempo fue mejorando a medida que pasaba el fin de semana

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Bad weather

This post had to be published last week...but due to some conection problems (a conexão foi cancelada, cara!), so try to imagine that you read it last week...
I would like to talk you about weather, and how nice is being in Nice (again my 2 balles joke...year of the crise). Last week it snowed not far from here, and since from this hotel i can see the Alps, the view was quite beautiful, just look at the pictures. All mountains snowed...like in Heidi's cartoon.

All region (PACA) was in orange alert some days. I thought an Orange alert was a strange name for an alert. It sounded me like if Valencians were coming:
-Orange Alert! Valencians are coming!
-Protect the children and women! especially women!
But seriously, an orange alert is only one step from red alert, in wich roads are closed to circulation. So there's no fun in an orange alert. In fact if you're all mornings waiting outsides for the bus to come, and it's cold like hell and rains and the bus don't pass, you will have a fever!...no fun at all

The fever I got it was not only due to the weather...in fact when I was in Paris I got vaccinated against yellow fever, but this vaccin is so strong that almost half of the people get a fever (not yellow!)...or something worse. I spent all week with Paracetamol, and luckily the ciatic nerve pain did not arrive so I could survive.
I'll talk about my weekend in Barcelone in the next post, and I hope to know when i'll be in Brazil...
See you!

domingo, 4 de enero de 2009

Back to Paris: Bonne année 2009!

Back to Paris...to spend some days and the new year's eve. The welcoming couldn't be worse...a polar cold. Even the water in the street was frozen, look at the picture I took near Invalides. I felt like a son who's coming late at home, and his father slaps him while telling:
-I'm Paris, my son, you must never forget it. Even if you knew those warm ladies (Nice and Barcelona), you know deep inside where you belong!
Anyway, I managed to get used to the parisian winter again and I enjoyed being there with the old friends and some news ones.

We dinned at Emilio's place. We ate some spanish specialities and some delicatessen of our own (like the cider macedonia...we repeated the day after). And then we wanted to go to the 'Champs de Mars' to perform the spanish tradition of eating the grapes at the rhythm of the twelve rings of the bells. But we were trapped in the subway, and we passed from the year 2008 to the year 2009 running from the metro station until the esplanade. It was funny anyway.

I know that all my pics are blurry, but it's because my camera was bad configurated and we forgot to put the flash. After the grape ceremony we went to the Point Ephemere. It was nice as a club, and we enjoyed there...even if we were really tired.
Well, I'm going to miss Paris again, I'm sure. Now I'm going to spend some days in Nice before leaving France definitely, for a year, and going to South America.
So, hasta luego!