sábado, 25 de julio de 2009

Brazilian things (I)

Being valencian, man and living in Brazil, I'd like to write something that happens to me very often. So let's imagine the scene:
Country: Brazil
Location: Bar or a disco
Situation: Male of human species in risk of starvation spots several good looking females of the same specie.

Situation I:
(Quite humiliating for me)

Ignasi: How are you?!
Female: Hi! Fine and you?
Ignasi: Fine too...nice bar isn't it?
Female: Where do you come from?
Ignasi: From Valencia...Spain
Female: Ah...
Ignasi: ...
Female: ...

Situation II:
After learning some few tricks...

Ignasi: How are you?!
Female: Hi! Fine and you?
Ignasi: Fine too...nice bar isn't it?
Female: Where do you come from?
Ignasi: From Barcelona...Spain
Female: Really??? Nice city, I've been there once...bla bla bla...

Nevermind...we still have the Formula I, America's Cup and the Pope's visit...

In the picture you could see the typical can-shaped bus stops of Curitiba, Paranà (Brazil).

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

clar...i si dius que eres de sueca, ja segur que segur lligues!!un petó des d´inca, que això si que no ho coneix ningú!!

Claudia dijo...

I don't think I'd act like the second lady in your examples, since I've never been there (oh yes but only passed by the smoky airport!), in fact i'd only ask --valencia? cool, is it in the north? south? what is special about ur place??-- I just hope you would not say - ME!-- LOL